Conservation Plans

Community-based conservation and stewardship is a key goal of the Canadian IBA Program. To help achieve this, we continue to develop conservation plans in partnership with local stakeholders for priority Important Bird Areas. These stakeholders include landowners, naturalists, hunters, government agencies and municipalities, aboriginal groups, and scientists. Together, we have developed straightforward conservation plans that stimulate local priority conservation actions at IBA sites.

Why are Conservation Plans Important?

These plans provide valuable roadmaps for achieving conservation successes at Important Bird Areas. In many cases they have also stimulated the formation of local IBA conservation groups who are working to deliver the priority actions spelled out in the plans.

For example, the Eastern Cape Sable Island Local IBA Committee is using ideas set out in the conservation plan to deliver educational programs to children and adults who live in or near the IBA. This IBA, the southernmost accessible point of Nova Scotia, is largely unprotected and is home to extensive shorelines used by many breeding and migrating birds, including endangered Piping Plovers. Building community awareness of the birds and habitats of the IBA is an essential element of protecting this vulnerable site.

Conservation Plans


British Columbia


New Brunswick

Newfoundland and Labrador

Nova Scotia


Prince Edward Island




Roseate Tern
Photo: © Shutterstock

Harlequin Duck
Photo: © Larry Kirtley



Red Knots
Photo: © iStock Photo



Photo: © Shutterstock


Canada goose
Photo: © Shutterstock



On the lookout!
Photo: © Shutterstock



Piping Plover and young
Photo: © Brendan Toews



Semipalmated Sandpiper
Photo: © Shutterstock
The IBA Program is an international conservation initiative coordinated by BirdLife International. The Canadian co-partners for the IBA Program are Birds Canada and Nature Canada.
   © Birds Canada