Provinces and Territories Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Québec Saskatchewan Yukon Yukon IBA Criteria Globally Significant: Threatened Species Globally Significant: Restricted Range Species Globally Significant: Congregatory Species Globally Significant: Waterfowl Concentrations Globally Significant: Colonial Waterbirds/Seabird Concentrations Globally Significant: Shorebird Concentrations Globally Significant: Raptor Concentrations Globally Significant: Wading Bird Concentrations Globally Significant: Migratory Landbird Concentrations Continentally Significant: Congregatory Species Continentally Significant: Waterfowl Concentrations Continentally Significant: Colonial Waterbird/Seabird Concentrations Continentally Significant: Shorebird Concentrations Continentally Significant: Raptor Concentrations Continentally Significant: Wading Bird Concentrations Nationally Significant: Threatened Species Nationally Significant: Restricted Range Species Nationally Significant: Congregatory Species Nationally Significant: Waterfowl Concentrations Nationally Significant: Colonial Waterbird/Seabird Concentrations Nationally Significant: Shorebird Concentrations Nationally Significant: Raptor Concentrations Nationally Significant: Wading Bird Concentrations Bird Conservation Regions 03 Arctic Plains And Mountains 04 Northwestern Interior Forest 05 Northern Pacific Rainforest 06 Boreal Taiga Plains 07 Taiga Shield And Hudson Plains 08 Boreal Softwood Shield 09 Great Basin 10 Northern Rockies 11 Prairie Potholes 12 Boreal Hardwood Transition 13 Lower Great Lakes/ St. Lawrence Plain 14 Atlantic Northern Forest Habitats Abandoned & fallow farmland, disturbed ground Abandoned & fallow farmland/disturbed ground Alpine & subalpine grassland Alpine grassland Alvar Alvar Arable & cultivated lands Arable land Bog Bogs Boreal coniferous forest Boreal deciduous forest Boreal mixed forest Cliffs, rocky shores & islets (freshwater) Cliffs/rocky shores (inland) Coastal cliffs/rocky shores (marine) Coastal sand dunes & beaches Coniferous forest (boreal/alpine) Coniferous forest (temperate) Deciduous woods (boreal/alpine) Deciduous woods (temperate) Desert/semi-desert Edaphic grassland Ephemeral wetland Estuarine waters Fen Fens, transition mires & springs Forestry & agro-industrial plantations Forestry plantations Freshwater lake Freshwater lakes & pools Freshwater marsh Freshwater marshes & swamps Gallery & riparian forest Improved pasture land Improved pastureland Inland cliffs Inland deltas Inland saline lake Inlets/coastal features (freshwater) Inlets/coastal features (marine) Intertidal mud, sand & salt flats Lagoons Low, seasonally wet grassland Mixed woods (boreal/alpine) Mixed woods (temperate) Mud or sand flats (freshwater) Mud or sand flats (saline) Native grassland Northern temperate grassland Open sea Open sea Other Other urban & industrial areas Other urban/industrial areas Pelagic waters Perennial crops, orchards & groves Perennial crops/orchards Pine forest Riparian scrub & thickets River-edge (river-island) forest Riverine floodplains Riverine sand dunes & beaches Rivers Rivers/streams Rock stacks & islets Rocky flats & barrens Rocky flats & barrens Saline & alkaline lakes Salt & brackish marshes Salt marshes/brackish marshes Sand dunes & beaches Savanna Scree/boulders Scrub Scrub/shrub Sea cliffs & rocky shores Sea inlets Second growth/grazed grasslands Second-growth & disturbed forest Second-growth & disturbed scrub Second-growth & grazed grassland Sedge/grass meadows Shingle & stony beaches Streams Temperate coniferous forest Temperate deciduous forest Temperate mixed forest Tidal rivers/estuaries Tundra Unknown Urban parks & gardens Urban parks/gardens Water-fringe vegetation Land Uses Agriculture Energy production and mining Fisheries/aquaculture Forestry Hunting Military Nature conservation and research Not Utilized (Natural Area) Other Rangeland/pastureland Tourism/recreation Unknown Urban/industrial/transport Water management Threats Afforestation Agricultural and forestry effluents and practices Agricultural pollution/pesticides Annual crops - shifting agriculture Arable farming Commercial and industrial development Cultural use Dams and water management/use Deforestation Direct mortality of trigger species - hunting and trapping Disturbance Domestic and urban waste water Drainage of wetlands Dredging/canalization Drought Dykes/dam/barrages Egg-collecting Erosion Extraction industry Filling in of wetlands Fire Fire and fire suppression Fisheries Garbage and solid waste Grazing Ground water extraction Habitat effects - fishing and harvesting aquatic resources Habitat effects - logging Habitat shifting and alteration Harvesting Housing and urban areas Hunting Industrial and military effluents Industrial pollution Intensified management Interactions with native species/disease Introduced species Invasive alien species Light pollution Livestock farming and ranching (includes forest grazing) - agro-industry grazing, ranching or farming Livestock farming and ranching (includes forest grazing) - small-holder grazing, ranching or farming Mining and quarrying None Oil and gas drilling Oil slicks Other Other decline in habitat quality Other ecosystem modifications Other environmental events Other habitat loss Other increased mortality Perennial non-timber crops - agro-industry plantations Perennial non-timber crops - small-holder plantations Persecution Problematic native species Recreation/tourism Recreational activities Renewable energy Roads and railroads Selective logging/cutting Shipping lanes Storms and floods Tourism Tourism and recreation areas Unknown Urban/industrial development Utility & service lines Wood and pulp plantations (includes afforestation) - agro-industry plantations Work and other activities Conservation Status Aire de Concentration d'Oiseaux Aquatiques - Quebec (Aquatic Birds Concentration Area) Bird Banding Station Bird Observatory Bird Sanctuary (provincial or private) British Columbia Parks (owned by) Buck for Wildlife program (Alberta Conservation Authority) Canada Goose Refuge Conservation Area (provincial) Conservation Authority (owned by) Ducks Unlimited Canada (owned by) Ecological Reserve (provincial) Environmentally Significant Area (provincial) Game Bird Refuge (provincial) Game Bird Sanctuary Habitat faunique, colonie d'oiseaux - Quebec (Wildlife Habitat, Bird Colony) Heritage Forest (provincial) Heritage Marsh Program (provincial) Heritage River (national) IBA Conservation Plan written/being written International Monarch Butterfly Reserve James Bay Preserve Karner Blue Sanctuary Landowner Agreement for Wildlife Marine Park (provincial or federal) Migratory Bird Sanctuary (federal) Migratory Bird Sanctuary (provincial) National Historic Site National Park National Wildlife Area (federal) Natural Area Nature Conservancy (owned by) Nature Reserve (provincial) Nature Trust of British Columbia Nature Trust of New Brunswick (owned by) No Hunting Area (Zone d'Interdiction de Chasse - Quebec) Nova Scotia Bird Society Sanctuary Pacific Marine Heritage Legacy Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration Prince Edward Island Nature Trust Private Park Protected Area of Nova Scotia Provincial Game Preserve Provincial Game Sanctuary Provincial Park (including Marine) Provincial Park Reserve Provincial Recreation Site Provincial Wildlife Management Area Provincial Wildlife Refuge Ramsar Site (Wetland of International Significance) Recreational Area Regional Park (provincial) Reindeer Grazing Reserve Research Station (privately owned) Salmon River (provincial) Special Management Area Special Resource Management Zone (B.C. Spotted Owl sites) Territorial Park Unknown Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (potential) Wetlands for Tomorrow site (Ducks Unlimited Canada) Wild Bird Trust of British Columbia Wilderness Reserve Wildland Park Wildlife Area Wildlife Habitat (provincial) Wildlife Management Area Wildlife Refuge (provincial) Wildlife Reserve (national) Wildlife Sanctuary World Biosphere Reserve World Heritage Site (UNESCO) Zone d'exploitation controlée (Quebec) Zone d'Intervention Prioritaire - Quebec (Priority Intervention Zone) Zone Inondable Désignée - Quebec (Periodically Flooded Field) Location and Size Minimum Latitude (°N) Maximum Latitude (°N) Minimum Longitude (°E) Maximum Longitude (°E) Minimum Altitude (m) Maximum Altitude (m) Minimum Area (log₁₀ km²) Maximum Area (log₁₀ km²) Search without any filters
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The IBA Program is an international conservation initiative coordinated by BirdLife International. The Canadian co-partners for the IBA Program are Birds Canada and Nature Canada.