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Charlevoix (QC153)


Charlevoix (QC153)

Notre-Dame-des-Monts, Québec

Latitude 47.779°N
Longitude 70.686°W
Altitude 200 - 850m
Area 2,792.14km²

Site Description

The Charlevoix region of Quebec lies immediately to the north of the St Lawrence River, and between Quebec City and the Saguenay River. It is one of the more mountainous regions in the eastern part of the country - elevations reach at least 850 meters. The rugged terrain is covered in forests dominated


The globally vulnerable and nationally Special Concern Bicknell's Thrush nests in the Charlevoix region. The numbers of breeding thrushes are unknown, but certainly more than 1 percent of the minimum national population (18 males) breed here, and it is likely that over 1% of the global population breeds here. Research conducted in 1998 and 1999 revealed that the bird was breeding in Balsam Fir stands of variable age that had been formed by a variety of disturbances, both natural and human-made (logging, fire, and spruce budworm infected).

Resident birds are few, but include the Spruce Grouse, Raven, Gray Jay, Red-breasted Nuthatch and Boreal and Black-capped chickadees. Bird diversity increases in the breeding season when neotropical migrants and other forest birds come to nest.

Conservation Issues

The land here is mostly provincially owned land that is either regulated under the ZEC system, or is provincial park land. Lands in the Zone d'exploitation contrôlée des Martres are used for hunting, fishing, a wide variety of recreational activities, large power line right-of-ways, and logging . It is unclear whether logging activities over time have had a negative or positive impact on Bicknell's Thrush numbers at this site, since the species is apparently able to breed in relatively young regenerating Balsam Fir stands.

IBA Criteria Habitats Land Uses Potential or Ongoing Threats Conservation Status
Barrow's Goldeneye
Number Year Season
Rusty Blackbird
Number Year Season